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School of Life

      We are here to learn.  When I refer to learning it is not about learning in public or private institutions of education.  I am referring to the classroom of life to teach us lessons in how to live.

      Some people approach life like it is the opportunity to “get ahead”.  To them getting ahead means a big home and at least two fancy cars, children in college, a second home at the beach, and several vacations a year to exotic places.  They look for the opportunities to advance further in acquisitions. They raise their anxiety in trying to fill an insatiable urge to possess. They see possessions as a reflection of their self-worth.             

     Some people approach life “just to get by” and scratch out a living making barely enough to pay the rent, food and utilities. They see themselves in continual anxiety living at the edge of a  downward spiral.  They see their lack of possessions as evidence of the lack of their self-worth.

      Then there are those who live in gratitude.  Those who have acquired good things and are grateful that they live in such comfort and are generous to share with others. They live life not in a grasping way yet feel enrich by what life offers. Also, there are those who are grateful for the little that they have.  They feel fortunate to be living a simple existence and, too, are generous to share the little that they do have.

      Similar scenarios, but very different attitudes and expenditure of life force.  The attitude of “getting ahead” and “just getting by” are actually quite similar in depleting life force. The attitude of gratitude is nourishing in life force. To approach life with gratitude is like earning a Masters degree in education.  To approach life with unconditional love is like earning seven PhDs! (Mastering each chakra and obtaining enlightenment.)

      Life can be hard, but will our minds make it that much harder?  If we pay attention life lessons will teach us the more healing direction to take. The price of not paying attention to the lesson leads to deeper suffering. No matter what the circumstance we either move toward suffering or lighten our burden with the proper approach in attitude.  To study yoga is like having a tutor to help navigate the lessons of life.


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