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Atha 2021

     The Yoga Sutras written by Patanjali begins with the Sanskrit word, atha.  The literal translation means “now,” but it really conveys more than that. It marks an auspicious beginning. The new year marks a new beginning. Coming on the heels of 2020, the year 2021 becomes that much more more meaningful.

     The first line of the Yoga Sutras states, Atha yogānuśāsanam.  This can be  translated as “Now, the teachings of yoga begin.” Some may have no interest in such teachings, but for those who wish to unravel the composition of our being from the grossest physical level  to the most subtle energetic, and mental levels let this atha be your invocation. Stand with attention to this invocation lest the teachings slip by you. 

     Here, too, “atha 2021” so that the year does not just slip by.  2020 got our attention and all moments should not be left unnoticed either for its merits or its hard lessons.  If 2021 brings more hardships (heaven forbid) then embrace it with widening strength and courage. If we find 2021 more merciful than 2020 do not let it slip past unnoticed,  but also, embrace it with gratitude and cherish the moments of ease and hopefully return of physical social interactions.

     The science of yoga which has been time tested over thousands of years provides the teachings to bring balance in our lives. Balance in our body as well as balance through pandemics and politics.

     The four chapters of the Yoga Sutras consist of 195 sutras or aphorisms. The first pada or chapter (pada meaning step) defines our true nature and the obstacles in the mind that obscure this elusive reality.  The second chapter introduces the 8 step practices to overcome obstacles and develop a clear and pristine mind. The third chapter reveals the hidden potentials of a pristine, focused mind.  When one has gained mastery of the body and mind, then connection to the intelligence of our inner primordial life force is available. The fourth chapter describes the highest state of Yoga, absolute consciousness. Through the attainment of absolute consciousness all desires cease and liberation occurs. Existence in the world is free from the bondage to our patterns of mental gyrations and karma.  We are guided by the purity of heart.

     The pursuit of yoga may seem to have unattainable lofty goals especially if the focus is to survive paycheck to paycheck.  (If life is focused on living stimulus package to stimulus package it is difficult to find the energy to pursue the discipline of yoga. Doors need to open.) Yet, for those not under the threat of daily survival and seek a deeper meaning and purpose to life yoga offers an instruction manual. There is always opportunity to make a new beginning. Resolutions can be made on January 1st or anytime.

     Atha 2021. Expanding awareness to each moment. Atha each moment. Connecting to the rhythm of each breath. Atha each breath. Feeling the pulsation of life force.  Atha the pulsation of life force.  Experiencing gratitude for pure being.


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