Changing with the times is what life demands. Relationships, jobs, politics, physical health, physical environment undergo constant change and at times can be overwhelming.
My own body has changed over the last 36 hours giving me significant back pain. Should I admit that as a yoga therapist? Yes, we yogis experience our share of health issues. Yoga can be preventive, but it can also be informative when something goes wrong. I had skipped my usual morning movement routine two days ago. Later, rising out of a chair I found that I could not stand up right (almost 25 degrees off vertical). I have been out of commission most of the weekend. My body is telling me that I my back has changed. It now seems to be slowly improving but I had to adapt my yoga practice to accommodate the change. I did various simple exploratory postures (mostly on my back or on my hands and knees) to note where the limitation in my back was coming from and if I could find a pose to give relief. This morning I am noticing a little greater range of motion in my back bend so I am hopeful.
I believe for my Yoga Zoom class I will need to do some teaching adaptation with less demonstration and more sharpening up of my verbal instructions tonight. In the past I may have been too embarrassed and cancelled class or found a substitute rather than teach with this vulnerability of my physical limitation. Years of yoga practice has taught me the importance of a strong and easeful body, and more importantly yoga practice has brought me strength and ease in my mind to be able to adapt to change. (And continue to strengthen the discernment of when my body says it's time to seek medical help.) Yoga practice means to teach from a place of truth even when truth is that I may not be able to teach in the way that I had hoped. At the same time being open to what good this unwanted opportunity can grow in me, and in my students. Sometimes life is not all about the pretty things. I am grateful for my students and that we can show up for each other vulnerable in this ever changing world.
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